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Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP)

Under the eIDAS regulation, Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) play an important role in the digital identity ecosystem in the European Union (EU). QTSPs are entities recognized by EU member states to provide trust services—such as the creation, verification, and validation of electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, and other services critical for secure digital transactions—according to the stringent standards set by eIDAS. eIDAS 2.0 introduces a broader scope of Qualified Trust Services (QTs) beyond traditional electronic signatures and seals. These new services aim to enhance the security, trust, and interoperability of digital transactions and identity verification across the European Union.

  • Qualified Electronic Archiving (QEA)

QEA services ensure the long-term preservation of electronic documents and data. This includes maintaining their integrity, authenticity, and accessibility over extended periods. For platforms, integrating QEA means providing users with the assurance that their digital documents remain secure, unaltered, and retrievable, regardless of how much time has passed. This service is crucial for sectors where the long-term preservation of records is mandatory, such as legal, healthcare, and financial services.

  • Qualified Electronic Attestation of Attributes (QEAA)

QEAA services enable the secure verification of electronic attributes related to individuals or entities. This can include verifying the authenticity of digital credentials, such as educational qualifications or membership in professional bodies. By facilitating trust in digital identities and transactions, QEAA services are instrumental for platforms that require reliable identity verification processes, enhancing user trust and compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Qualified Electronic Ledgers (QEL)

QEL services provide trusted and immutable electronic ledgers for recording transactions across various domains. These services ensure the integrity and transparency of digital records, making them particularly valuable for applications in finance, supply chain management, and any sector requiring an indelible record of transactions. For platforms, leveraging QEL can enhance the credibility and auditability of digital transactions, offering a higher level of trust to users and stakeholders.

  • Management of Remote Signature Creation Devices (MRQSCD)

MRQSCD services focus on the secure management and operation of remote signing devices. This includes ensuring the security of signature creation data and the reliability of the signing process, even when conducted remotely. This service is crucial for enabling digital signatures without compromising on security or compliance. For platforms that facilitate or rely on digital signing, integrating MRQSCD services means offering users the convenience of remote signing while maintaining stringent security standards.


Assessment PhaseQ2 2024Determine the need for the QTSP compliance project and secure necessary approvals.
Planning PhaseQ2 2024If approved, develop a comprehensive project plan outlining tasks, timelines, resources, and budgets.
DocumentationQ3 2024Document our platform, underlying technology, risks and governance in a structured and comprehensive effort
Legal assessmentQ3/Q4 2024Obtain a legal qualification on our platform and the required ETSI standards for our platform
Implement ETSI standardsQ3/Q4Assess and implement the required ETSI standards
Audit PhaseQ4 2024External auditor will conduct their audit on our organization
Obtain accreditation2025Obtain the QTSP accreditation and obtain listing on the QTSP site


We are currently in the preliminary stages of evaluating our pathway to become a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) under eIDAS 2.0, specifically focusing on issuing Qualified Electronic Attestation of Attributes (QEAA). At this point, we haven't finalized our compliance strategy, but becoming a QTSP for QEAA is a clear goal for us. As we progress, we'll keep this page updated with our advancements and decisions in the QTSP compliance journey.
